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1301 Nevnt 1493 og 1530 Ånundsen Rødberg, Torstein (I2493)
1302 Nevnt 1520 Magnussen, Lars (I2061)
1303 Nevnt 1520-1523 Bjørnsdatter Kvavik, Signe (I1415)
1304 Nevnt 1520-1538Lagmannsdom 1520, laksefiske Gunbjørnsen, Bjørn (I2690)
1305 Nevnt 1550-1655 Osmund Bruk Taraldsen, Osmund (I2425)
1306 Nevnt 1553 Torgersen Eigeland, Halvard (I2394)
1307 Nevnt 1554-1564 Torkildsen, Trond (I2111)
1308 Nevnt 1575-1588 Gunnarsen Tjos, Anstein (I1543)
1309 Nevnt 1583-1640. Bygslet Årnes av domkappelanen i Stavanger Ufartsen, Didrik (I2217)
1310 Nevnt 1584-1600 Ånonsen Kumlevoll, Sigbjørn (I2640)
1311 Nevnt 1584-1613 Osmundsen, Eiel (I1593)
1312 Nevnt 1584Fikk Nordigarden 1 1/2 Hud. Larsdatter Kvinlog, Gjøa (I2923)
1313 Nevnt 1591-1604. Bykslet 2 Huder. Den første kjente på Svenevig ytre. Ånonsen Svenevik, Gunder (I2347)
1314 Nevnt 1591-1625Eide jordegods: Fosdal og Budal i Gyland. Sporkland og Modalsli i Bakne og Espeland i Hægebosta. Ånonsen, Kidel (I3244)
1315 Nevnt 1594-1604 Eigeland, Orm (I1397)
1316 Nevnt 1594-1604 Bjørnsen Eiesland, Ansten (I3171)
1317 Nevnt 1594-1614 (1630) Fjotland, Olav (I2578)
1318 Nevnt 1594-95 Søren (I1482)
1319 Nevnt 1596. I et brev fra V. Fosdal er det fortalt at Joren, kona av Kidel, hadde leid bort ei "kyrkjekyr!" til Henrik Netland, som han klaga på ikke hadde kalv. Joren (I0043)
1320 Nevnt 1599 Olsdatter Mosbø, Steivor (I3453)
1321 Nevnt 1600 Madsen Moi, Mikkel (I2545)
1322 Nevnt 1611 Eriksen Birkeland, Gunvald (I2034)
1323 Nevnt 1613 Halvor (I0128)
1324 Nevnt 1613 +- 1750 Torgrimsen Moland, Lars (I0135)
1325 Nevnt 1614Bernt Bruk Torgeirsen Augland, Bernt (I2526)
1326 Nevnt 1617-1628 Siri (I3382)
1327 Nevnt 1617-47 Eielsen Lindefjell, Knud (I3758)
1328 nevnt 1636 og 1722 Torjesen, Tomas (I1713)
1329 Nevnt 1638-1660. (Stor-Olav) Olsen, Olav (I1100)
1330 Nevnt 1643-51 Halvorsen Solli, Jokob (I1216)
1331 Nevnt 1643-60 Satt med 1/2 Knaben (Smibakksen) Kolben (I3770)
1332 Nevnt 1644 Kollungsen, Søren (I0279)
1333 Nevnt 1644 Torgrimsen, Toru (I3637)
1334 Nevnt 1645 Siri (I3331)
1335 Nevnt 1647-1650 som enke Dyresdatter, Asgjer (I0152)
1336 Nevnt 1648-1652Hadde Bernts Bruk Berntsen Augland, Torgeir (I1868)
1337 Nevnt 1650-64 Knudsen, Øystein (I1481)
1338 Nevnt 1664 Olsen Fjotland, Gudtorm (I2789)
1339 Nevnt 1667 Kolbensen, Ståle (I2979)
1340 Nevnt 1689 Øyusen, Ommund (I1331)
1341 Nevnt 1695-1725 Ommundsen Førland, Olav (I3891)
1342 Nevnt 1696 Markusen, Reidar (I1981)
1343 Nevnt 1700 Gudtormsdatter, Asgerd (I3697)
1344 nevnt 1701 Anstensdatter, Åse (I1641)
1345 nevnt 1711-50 Pærson, Gunnu (I2413)
1346 Nevnt 1711Bodde på Førland, tok over Solli etter Ingrid. Eide: Solli, Moland, 4 1/2 Lindefjell, 4 1/2 Skaret, 2 sølvbelter= 20 RDRNET 522 RDR. Var rik. Ormsen Førland, Torgrim (I3741)
1347 Nevnt 1743 Reidarsen, Vilom (I1980)
1348 Nevnt 1743 Reidarsen, Olav (I3848)
1349 Nils, gift i Surnadal 1851 med Gurå Andersdtr. Røv fra Melavollen, seinere oppattgift med enkja etter Stor-Inbrekt i Bøvrasgeilet, Marit Johndtr. Sylte. Ho hadde vaksne born som hadde reist til Amerika og fekk hug til å reise etter. Difor reiste ho i frå Nils, som var husmann i Mausetmoan i Surnadal. Nils har gått over i bygdesoga under namnet Stor-Nils Moå og var ein av dei frakkaste arbeidkarane surnadalsføret har fostra.

Nils, married in Surnadal 1851 with Gurå Andersdtr. Røv from Melavollen, later on married with the widow after Stor-Inbrekt in Bøvrasgeilet, her name was Marit Johnsdtr. Sylte. She had grown-up kids who moved to America and she get feeling to move after. Therefore she leaved Nils, who was farmer in Mausetmoan in Surnadal. Nils was known as Stor-Nils Moå and was the ables/strongest workman Surnadal ever have bring up 
Johnsen Nergaard, Nils (I10530)
1350 Nordhug? Jacobsen Rostad, Paul (I3318)
1351 Nordmark A1:11 55937 2/4 Jansen, Jan (I2340)
1352 Nordmark AI:10 55936 2/5 Jansen, Jan (I2340)
1353 Nordmark C:3 55951 3/4 Jansdotter, Catharina (I1820)
1354 Oäkta Nilsson, Carl Johan (I3108)
1355 Oäkta son med okänd fader. Ny, Johan Leonard (I3160)
1356 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Fridericsdatter, Sophia Amalia (I11331)
1357 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Johansen Langørgen, Anders (I11336)
1358 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Johansdatter, Gurru (I11337)
1359 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Larsen Langørgen, Anders (I11338)
1360 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsdatter Hofstad, Ingeborg (I11340)
1361 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Pedersdatter Rye, Elen (I11344)
1362 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Ellingsen Kolstadløkken, Jon (I11361)
1363 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Johansen Øien, John (I11366)
1364 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsdatter, Marit (I11370)
1365 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Jocumsdatter, Marie (I11396)
1366 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Michelsen Lillegjerdet, Johannes (I11413)
1367 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Michelsdatter Lillegjerdet, Anne (I11414)
1368 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Jørnsdatter Lien, Berit (I11416)
1369 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Pedersdatter Volden, Guren (I11417)
1370 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsen Lervolden, Peder (I11418)
1371 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Jonsen, Bersvend (I11422)
1372 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Jonsen Yseth, Peder (I11423)
1373 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Berntsdatter Feragen, Ingeborg (I11462)
1374 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsen Engesvoll, Arne (I11464)
1375 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Jacobsen Gjersvoll, Ludvig (I11465)
1376 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Nilsdatter, Lisbeth (I11471)
1377 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Ingebrigtsdatter Selbyg, Ane Maria (I11481)
1378 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Estensen Bukk, Nils (I11508)
1379 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Pedersdatter, Marit (I11514)
1380 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Knudsen, Jens (I11517)
1381 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Nilsen Haugen, Jonas (I11525)
1382 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Hansen Sund, Hans (I11527)
1383 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Jonsdatter Borren, Gjertrud (I11537)
1384 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Bonde, Hedvig (I11542)
1385 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Hansen Knoph, Hans (I11544)
1386 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Knudsen Skancke, Faste (I11563)
1387 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsen Bukk, Peder (I11568)
1388 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsdatter Rugelsjøen, Kirsten (I11580)
1389 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Ellendsen Vintervold, Ole (I11607)
1390 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Jocumsen Kock, Johannes (I11620)
1391 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsen Qvale, Ole (I4646)
1392 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Pedersdatter Kurås, Marit (I6603)
1393 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Sivertsdatter, Ane (I6895)
1394 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Andersdatter Haugen, Lucie (I6916)
1395 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Michelsen Lillegjerdet, Hans (I7481)
1396 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Knudsdatter Skancke, Karen (I7824)
1397 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Rasmussen Bygmester, Jon (I8186)
1398 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Olsen Sund, Anders (I8194)
1399 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Michelsdatter Lillegjerdet, Kari (I9478)
1400 Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on 07.11.2012 17:12:43. Knudsdatter Skancke, Gunnild (I9573)

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